Среда, 22.01.2025, 06:11
Если Сегодня как Вчера - зачем Завтра?

Профессиональный подход к жизни -
авторская программа дистанционного обучения р. Менахема-Михаеля Гитика
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 Menachem-Michael Gitik. And Where Was God During the Holocaust?

And Where Was God During the Holocaust?

  Menachem-Michael Gitik "And Where Was God During the Holocaust?"
 It is important to understand the lessons of history in order not to go through the same tragic events in the future. Therefore I set before myself the task of       analyzing the history of Holocaust through the prism of its spiritual causes, reaching out to those who honestly wish to understand what has happened, in order  to learn something out…
Hitler was forced to kill Jews since he was not allowed to make them leave Germany by the rest of the world…
Here are some facts.
The figure of six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust has to be replaced by the figure of almost seven million – more accurate number - Jewish old men and women, children, women and men, killed because they were Jews…
The Danish Jews saved by the Danish crown and people were robbed of their possessions by their saviors.
During all the years of Holocaust (including 1945), there was not even one single time that anyone broadcast  (in any part of the world and in any language) the information that Jews were being slaughtered in the concentration camps…
We have to understand all the causes of the Holocaust, especially spiritual, in order to prevent it from happening once again.


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